Wednesday, November 24, 2010

My funny husband!

Last night, while cooking dinner, I hear Chris from the living room:
"Hey, how do you rotate an image?"
Maybe this GRAPHIC DESIGN schooling isn't paying off...

A few nights ago, in the car:
"Chris! Stop picking your nose. Do we need a humidifier in our room?"
"No way! I'm not spending money on a humidifier when God gave me a finger for free."

I promise, he doesn't always pick his nose. Just when other people aren't around :)

Monday, November 1, 2010


I'm pretty sure Chris knew what he was getting in to when he married me. He knows I'm a girly girl. He knows I desire to do (and be!) all things homemaker. He knows pink is my favorite color. So, in my defense, should he really have been surprised when I came home with a sack full of fabrics that look like this?

I don't think so. His daughter is after all at least 50% of me. Certainly she will be so glad that the first years of her life were spent in a pink-zebra print room :)

But all joking aside, I really think this room will end up being super cute! I'm planning on sewing and crafting almost everything on my own. Here are a few of those things:

  • paint the crib
  • paint the cradle
  • make crib sheets
  • make bedskirt
  • make crib bumper
  • sew a shabby quilt
  • blankets
  • curtain swags
  • new lampshades
  • crib mobile

Oh, did I mention she's due in 4 short months? And that I work 40 hours a week? And that the holidays are coming up? I may or may not be nuts. We'll see! Anyway, I found a pretty awesome blog with patterns for almost everything that I don't know how to sew, and also some pretty cute patterns for burp cloths and other such things. This will be fun!

Menu Plan - 3 Weeks!

We got some much needed time away from Topeka a few weeks ago. Chris has become an expert at building these:

Not bridges, but fire. He makes one in our fireplace whenever it's going to dip below 45 or so. Keeps us warm! I wonder if his cousin Jake showed him how? ;)
Well here goes THREE WEEKS worth of menu plans. Sounds nuts doesn't it?
Monday: Meatball Subs
Tuesday: Twice baked bacon potatos
Wednesday: Lentil sloppy joes
Thursday: Biscuits and gravy
Friday: Shihshkabobs (grilled by the hubs)
Saturday: Couples Conference, a.k.a. something DELICIOUS
Sunday: Chicken Fajitas
Monday: Meatloaf and mashed potatos
Tuesday: Lasagna, green salad
Wednesday: Chicken casesar salad (haven't cleared this with Chris...)
Thursday: BBQ Chicken Pizza
Friday: Pancakes and bacon (a la Chris)
Saturday: Leftovers
Sunday: Baby Shower!
Monday: Chili and cornbread
Tuesday: Southwest Chicken Salad
Wednesday: Roast and potatos, carrots
Thursday: Spaghetti and salad
Friday: French toast
Saturday: KU Game!
Sunday: Leftovers
Whew! That's a relief. Wish me luck!

A really cute kid I know!

My sister brought this over last night:

Isn't he just the most adorable dinosaur ever? He gets it from his adorable mommy.

That's actually not true at all. He looks just like his dad.

But she is so cute! And so is he. There must be a correlation :)

Fittingly so, this little dino had his first taste of candy last night. His bedtime is straight up 8pm, and he will remind you if it's a minute past! Needless to say, by 8:15, he was wailing. The pacifier brought no comfort. So what did? A raspberry tootsie pop. Given to him by no one other than grandpa Jay. He had only a few licks, but it definitely calmed him down. He contentedly stayed for about 10 more minutes. Glassy eyes and all!

Friday, October 29, 2010

So... I'm pregnant.

Recently, a friend made me feel very guilty about not keeping my blog updated. Honestly, it is something I enjoy doing, I just forget that other people sometimes enjoy it, too!

I also started feeling guilty lately that I haven't documented a single thing about my pregnancy. The first picture I even took of myself was last week! And I'm already more than halfway done cooking this little one :)

So I thought I would kick off my non-menu plan posts with a baby post. I don't have very many (if any) pictures to go along with this post, so hopefully just the little tidbits of info will be enough!

July 10 - A positive pregnancy test! I had no idea how far along I was, Chris and I were just excited to be expecting :)
July 15 - We began telling family and friends that we were pregnant. After some research and paying attention to a timeline of symptoms, I gathered that at this point we were probably around 8 or 9 weeks pregnant. (Just remember folks, though I was only 6 weeks in to marriage, 2 weeks of that is not gestation. Women are already 2 weeks pregnant at the point of conception, based on when their last period occured.)
July 19 - Called Birth and Women's Center to schedule my first prenatal appointment. Based on my account of my last period, they agreed I was probably around 9 or 10 weeks pregnant and scheduled me for my first visit at 12 weeks.
July 28 - After being nauseous for nearly 10 days, I decided to cave in and call for a script. Those little 4mg tabs of Zofran are like gold!
August 5 - First appointment. Got a tour of the Birth Center, drew some blood for labwork, weighed myself (up 2 lbs!), and then got started with the appointment with the midwife. I met with Norla and she went over a few health history questions and other wonderings me and the hubby had. She used her magic "wheel of conception" to calculate my due date of February 20, 2011. Then she tried to hear the heartbeat using the doppler. She said the baby must be a stinker, because at first she couldn't find the baby (I'm sure that will be true!). But, alas, we got to hear the little heart pounding away! Heart rate was in the 170's. It was a beautiful sound :)
August 9 - The nausea left just as quick as it came! I continued (and still continue) taking about 4-5 Zofran per week, down significantly from my 3 per day. Though I never actually tossed my cookies, it made work quite impossible.
September 2 - Had my second appointment at Birth and Womens. This one was sure interesting! She measured me and said I was measuring 4 weeks ahead. I told her that I was wondering if it was twins, because of all the family history, and my bulging belly bump (I had added 9 inches to my waist already). She said she couldn't say definitively, and went on with my appointment. She listened for the heartbeat and heard it pretty high up in my belly. Then when she moved the doppler to the other side of my belly button (about 5 inches away) she could hear a heartbeat again. I told her that my baby moved A LOT and I had been feeling it kick for about two weeks. She said that with everything she had observed through my appointment, combined with my severely increased appetite and family history of twins, that she thought we were having twins, too. Needless to say she talked me in to an ultrasound!
*The month of September included a lot of anxious waiting!*
October 5 - After much confusion, many tears, and lots of grief, my sonogram appointment finally arrived. The office it was scheduled in was a Perinatologist's office in order to get a 4D ultrasound. We wanted to check for pyloric stenosis because of Chris's strong family history of being predisposed. But much to our surprise, there was one baby only :) And it's a baby girl! Because girls don't usually have pyloric stenosis, we are looking forward to a gastrointestinally healthy little one. However, once they had completed all the measurements, she was too itty-bitty for February 20 to be the correct due date. Instead, they moved it back to March 13, 2011. We'll have to wait a little longer, but a spring break baby is okay with me! At this point, I have gained 12 pounds, and am 17 weeks pregnant.
October 23 - Got the nursery completely empty. It's so exciting to start preparing for a little one. Especially after we got to see pictures of her. We picked up the crib and cradle from Chris's parents so I can start refinishing them. Pictures will be up soon!
October 29 - Today, I am 20 weeks, 5 days pregnant. I feel the baby kick all the time! She gets especially aggressive if something is pressing against her (i.e. if my pants are a little snug or I have to go to the bathroom). My eating has slowed down, but I still snack in between meals. I haven't craved anything specific over an extended period of time. The only thing that always sounds good is lots of condiments! I load everything up with butter, salad dressing, sour cream, soy sauce -- anything to season what I'm eating! We do have her name picked out. We'll share it when she's born! Until then it's a surprise. So for right now Chris and I are just enjoying living life as DINKs :) Only 135 days left until baby girl Young is scheduled to arrive.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Menu Plan..

Well, I just got around to pressing the "post" button on the last menu plan, but I refrained from editing to reveal what we ACTUALLY ate those nights. It wasn't too different, but things always get rearranged for some reason. I'm trying really hard to find meals that sound good after 12 some odd hours of work, and that are already ready when I get home! This is a challenge. And so are Chris's and my conflicting schedules... My plan for this week is to try to double or triple most of the dinners to freeze -- that way it's available for lunches/weekends/lazy evenings! Hopefully this will be a lifesaver :)

Thursday: Chicken and Noodles and Mashed Potatos
Friday: Blueberry Pancakes and Cheesy scrambled eggs
Saturday: Chili and Cornbread
Sunday lunch: BBQ Chicken pizza
Sunday dinner: at the Nienhuis's! for some SPADES
Monday: Fettuccini Alfredo and Honey mustard carrots
Tuesday: Biscuits and Gravy and eggs
Wednesday: French Dip sandies and chips
Thursday: Eat out? KU v KSU
Friday-Sunday: Vacation!
Monday: Leftovers/Eat on the road
Tuesday: Potato Soup and homemade bread
Wednesday: Stuffed pasta shells
Thursday: Nachos
Friday: Baked Potatos
Saturday: Eat out for family birthday

Whew! That's a relief to be planned. Now I just have to be adventurous enough to make all these things!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Menu Plan!

I have only been planning about a day in advance. Mostly because I never know when I'll feel up to cooking! But I know that if I cook, I'll feel so much better eating a filling, fresh meal. Plus I need to start experimenting with some freezer cooking so I can be prepared for this baby! Apparently it's going to be a big one, considering I'm only 18 weeks :)

Monday: out to eat with the fam

Tuesday: Lemon chicken and stuffing

Wednesday: Biscuits and gravy

Thursday: Spaghetti a la Chris :) and salad

Friday: Bean and cheese Burritos

Saturday: Discipleship weekend

Sunday: Chicken Stirfry

Monday: Ham and cheese Omelettes and hashbrowns

Tuesday: Sloppy Joes and honey-mustard carrots

Wednesday: Taco Salad

Thursday: Lasagna and salad

Friday: Date night!

Saturday: Leftovers

Sunday: Chicken Enchiladas

Because I grocery shop once per pay period (except for milk and eggs - we go through so many!), it's easiest to make the menu for 2 weeks at a time. I'm also happy that I am starting to understand more about what I can and can't make on the days I work. It's best to have something already prepared for those days! Or just ask Chris to cook ;)

We do keep some staples around the house all the time. Hot dogs, ham and cheese for sandwiches, cereal, fresh fruit to snack on, chips and salsa, etc. That way I don't have to fix lunch for the few days that Chris and I are both home! It's working so far, but I can't help but think that it will be easier to cook for more than just 2 people.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Menu Plan, Attempt #2

Okay, I'll admit. My first menu didn't go quite according to plan. But I did prepare each of those meals at some point between then and now! So I'm going to try again, and take the week's worth of "wisdom" I've acquired with my first flopped menu.

However, this week is different. I'm going to tackle TWO weeks. That may sound like a feat, but considering most of the women I know plan three meals a day, I find this easy. Plus I already purchased most of the food for it, I just have to budget my time now! And the next two weeks have a few special exceptions. Like a lot of celebrations!

Monday: Lentils and fry bread (a la the Hawkinsons!)
Tuesday: Meatloaf and mashed potatoes
Wednesday: Olive Garden, for my birthday :)
Thrusday: Pancakes and Bacon
Friday: Home-made pizza - by Chris
Saturday: Grandpa's 80th birthday party
Sunday: Leftovers before the Wedding Reception!

Monday: Biscuits and gravy and scrambled eggs
Tuesday: Leftovers (or chicken tacos, depending how much we eat throughout the week!)
Wednesday: Dinner at Enosh
Thursday: Free night for Staffers! Either we'll eat with them, or scrounge up something
Friday: Chapel Dinner
Saturday: Chicken Tacos
Sunday: Birthday dinner with the fam!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Menu Planning

I made a fatal mistake last week. I went to the grocery store -- without a list.

This is how I always shop. I buy what sounds good. Mostly produce, some chips and salsa, yummy yogurt, some type of non-cow milk, absolutely no meat, and bam! I'm done.

But as I walked into the store this time, I realized, "Oh, I'm cooking for two people now!" Not to mention the fact that I haven't actually cooked in probably the last 6 months. I haven't actually prepared a full-fledged, 4-piece, all-the-food-groups meal. (I haven't eaten one either!)

So, you can imagine how this trip turned out. I bought everything I would normally have bought! And now I have a rotting cucumber, some limp cilantro and green onions, an unopened jar of yummy corn salsa... you get the idea.

I pulled myself together and did some inventory. Here's what I've come up with! Keep in mind I only cook dinner :) Poptarts and hot dogs will have to fill in until I'm more organized!

Monday: Chicken parmesan
Tuesday: Pepperoni Pizza and Cheesesticks
Wednesday: Biscuits and gravy, eggs, fruit salad
Thursday: Chicken stirfry over rice
Friday: Nachos
Saturday: Sweet and sour chicken, fried rice
Sunday: BBQ chicken sandwiches, chips, fruit salad

Let's see how well I stick to this...

Friday, June 11, 2010

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

My oh My!

How April and May flew by!

I have been neglecting this blog, so.

But no longer! I have things to post :) After all, I'm MARRIED now!

Here's a first of firsts... a few teasers to my wedding photos! Rachael R. did an amazing job. And I can't wait for April N. to send me the final cuts!

Rachael's Blog

Again, if any of you have any photos you'd like to submit to Chris's and my viewing pleasure, post them here.

Thanks all! Your help, support, enouragement, frindship, wisdom, love, advice, fellowship, counsel, time, hard work, blood, sweat, and tears were not overlooked! Our wedding day was BEAUTIFUL because of all of you beautiful people! Thanks a million.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Okay everyone, I need your help!

My decorating ideas are starting to get a little out there, and I feel like I need to be reeled in. Here is what I'm struggling with so far:

  • I do not want to paint the walls a "neutral color" in the living spaces.
  • I don't want them to turn out too bright, but I'm not a fan of pastels in the family room either..
  • I'm thinking a pale color with a hint of either brown, or gray (to make it feel more neutral, but less like a baby's room)
  • I need to buy new furniture, and I need it to be affordable
  • I'm debating getting furniture that's indoor/outdoor, or at least a few pieces that can move in and out (something wicker like this or this?)
  • I don't want the furniture to be the "splash" of color, I'd rather they be neutral -- but perhaps patterned like this?
  • I want to have a continuous flow of color when I choose the paint color, but I don't want to be a one-color gal either.
Ahh! See my dilemma? I'm suddenly feeling that buying furniture is a HUGE commitment, because its my first furniture purchase :) And I want it to be something I'll use a lot, and that I'll keep around for awhile. Any ideas? Send 'em my way!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Floor plans

The first floor, with the wall in the kitchen knocked down to expand it into the laundry room. Haven't decided on a color pallet yet, and don't have any furniture! And that gray blob out there is the garage :)

The second floor, with all the furniture arranged accordingly, and the paint colors for the rooms. They're not set in stone yet though!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Our New House - Updates

908 SW Anderson Terrace
is the Northeastern corner of 10th and Gage Blvd.
Just 2 blocks from Gage Park and the zoo!

Here's the upstairs:

View from the top of the stairs
(the stairs make a right turn halfway up, and this
is the view from the top stair. To the left is the bathroom,
to the right is the master bedroom, and the room
at the end of the hallway is the 2nd bedroom.)

View from the doorway into the Full bathroom

The wall opposite the sink in the bathroom. (Don't worry,
Chris isn't the one that left the seat up! I can't believe
I didn't put it down before this photo-op :)

The MASTER bedroom :) This wall is on the right side of the house,
in other words that window at the left of this picture gets
southern exposure, whereas the double window at the right
of the picture gets western exposure. Also, the window at the right
is not the same as the window in the picture below. That wall is actually
very long (the length of the house almost, minus the staircase!)
and there are two sets of double windows.

Our 2 closets! They aren't walkin, but they're separate.
Not shown in these pics is our ceiling fan.
I also just realized how serene these walls look in these
pictures. Don't worry, this room is one of the first to
get painted. They don't look this good in person :)

The "quaint" a.k.a. small) second bedroom. At the left side
there is a very spacious closet. That window is on the same southern
wall as the one in the master.

This is the third bedroom. This is the only room in the house
with carpet. It's not in bad shape, but it's not attractive
either. I do love the glass door, though!

A view from the "back" of the house. This is from inside
the third bedroom, and that glass door I was talking about
is at the right side of the picture. There is a linen closet
just outside this room, and at the end of this hallway
and to the right will take you right back down the stairs.

Our home inspection is tomorrow at noon, and after that I will be posting a virtual layout of the home (once I have more exact measurements). It will feature the things we love, and the things we are changing immediately! (Lord willing of course :) It will also show the paint colors now, and the paint colors for later. Can't wait for all of your feedback! Please pray for our inspection. If all goes well we will close on of before April 16, though Chris and I will stay at our respective casas until closer to the wedding date. We're not paying rent for nothing!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

We bought a HOUSE!

908 Anderson Terrace

The Family Room

The Dining Room
This is the blue room to the right of the fireplace in the first interior pic.

The "Den".
Who'd have thunk - Chris and I can afford a house with a den!? Haha, who knows what we'll use it for. This is the cream colored room that is just off the family room -- you can see it in the first interior pic as well :)

View of the Family Room from the Dining Room .

My beautiful staircase <3

My not anything too special teensy tiny kitchen. Not to worry we have BIG plans.

Upstairs pictures coming soon!

Sunday, February 21, 2010


I haven't had a post in 3 months! As I generally lead a pretty boring life, this wouldn't normally be any big deal. But my life involves my other half these days, too. He (along with planning a wedding) makes things pretty interesting! I decided the best way to debrief everybody is to make a list of EVERYTHING that has happened as of late.

Disclaimer: this is not necessarily in chronological order :)

  • I got remote start for my car! Merry Christmas to me!
  • Chris and I started up a fish tank, thanks to Marvin and Jackie :) We have 6 fish. (R.I.P. Whiskers)
  • Chris moved into a house!
  • We're going to buy my grandma's house!
  • We're not going to buy my grandma's house :(
  • We're house shopping! (Okay, so those last three are in chronological order. Funny how God works sometimes, huh?)
  • I went to the ER. Twice.
  • Chris is sporting some new Uggs (only when it snows).
  • My sister is having a baby!
  • We booked our honeymoon. Scottsdale here we come!
  • Chris made the Dean's List! So proud of him.
  • My sister's husband is being deployed for a year. Bright side -- she's moving home!
  • I survived my first Young family holiday get-together ;)
  • KU's ranked #1! Still!
  • Chris sprained his ankle playing basketball.
  • We painted nearly Chris's entire house. We're almost finished! Of course, no before pictures, because I'm forgetful :(
  • My parents celebrated their 25th anniversary!
  • Chris and I got approved for a home loan! Praise the Lord!
  • Chris's car got hit, and he got to drive a Mustang for a week.
  • We've survived MULTIPLE snow storms. (Hospitals and banks don't close on account of bad weather. Note to self: Find a fair-weather job :)
  • I purged my closet of ill-fitting and neglected clothes.
  • I filled my closet back up with new purchases! Mind you, on a conservative Chris-approved budget.
  • I'm not-so-blonde any more.
  • I've knocked out all of the big wedding plans/decisions.
  • We've had TWO marriage counseling sessions. That's a lot, considering!
  • I've weaned myself off of Sonic almost completely. The occasional Happy Hour beverage isn't out of the question, however (thanks to some generous SonicCard gifters!)
  • My new favorite channel is HGTV. I could watch every single show they have on that channel 24/7. Luckily I don't have cable!
  • I now generate about 4 loads of laundry per week - by myself! How is this possible!?
  • I've taken WAY TOO LONG to get a new Bible. Apparently leather-bound Ryrie NASB's are on backorder?
  • I have started freaking out about Wedding Plans and moving, though I'm sure everything will work out just how God planned it.
I'm sure so much more has happened! These are merely highlights -- both ups and downs. So glad Chris and I have all of you lovely people in our lives to help us through these stressful times!

Psalms 1:1-6
1How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked,
Nor stand in the path of sinners,
Nor sit in the seat of scoffers!
2But his delight is in the law of the LORD,
And in His law he meditates day and night.
3He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water,
Which yields its fruit in its season
And its leaf does not wither;
And in whatever he does, he prospers.
4The wicked are not so,
But they are like chaff which the wind drives away.
5Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment,
Nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous.
6For the LORD knows the way of the righteous,
But the way of the wicked will perish.