Saturday, June 20, 2009


So, I haven't been on to blog lately. I would say that it's because nothing blogworthy has happened (that's what I tried to use an excuse...). However, it's because TOO MUCH stuff has been going on. I have to catch up now. To fill everybody that hasn't seen me lately -- I have a BOYFRIEND now! It's so great. And now I suppose I should tell you all how we met...

Well, if you asked me, I'd say, "At Chapel". Apparently, according to Chris (my boyfriend), there's more to the story. If you want those details I would say ask him. I have no idea what he's referring to. As far as I know, I started going to Topeka Gospel Chapel last September. Me and a few of my girlfriends invited two boys named Chris and Thomas to come to our Life Group after we had attended church there for a few weeks. They started coming, and then we started hanging out more around Christmastime. At the beginning of March I started to be interested in Chris. My friend Dani and I spent more and more time with them, and by April we were dating! He's so much fun, and way more than I could ask for. I am so blessed to have him in my life! And I'm very excited to see what our lives as we grow in the Lord will look like from here...

Chris's and my first picture together

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