Saturday, June 27, 2009

My Sweet Boyfriend is in Ireland...

...but all of his gifts made it here just fine!

Chris and Scott are there serving the Lord at the local assemblies. They are attending the conferences and regular meetings, and Scott has the privilege of speaking some of the messages.

It was hard to drop him off at the airport. Mostly because we've spent time together every day since we started dating! I was prepared for 2 weeks of no talking and minimal contact at best. He promised to "call me every night" and "send me a postcard every day". I was more realistic (he would say pessimistic) and hoped for the best, but expected the worst.

Well, he surpassed those expectations -- as usual! Here are the ways that he did so:

Yellow roses are my favorite! So is baby's breath. And pink's my favorite color -- hence the vase, pink lilies and pink roses. I've never gotten flowers for no reason before! They were quite unexpected and very beautiful. I was definitely surprised when I picked them up at my complex's office! (And the leasing managers were jealous :) )
If you think of it next time you see me, ask me what I found out when curiosity got to me,
and I looked up the meanings of all the flowers included in the arrangement!

These postcards started coming two days after he left, and they haven't stopped yet!
(I adjusted them so you couldn't read about our deepest darkest secrets!)

It has been a long (part of) two weeks, but he'll get home this Thursday evening. Can't wait to go pick him up! Mostly because on a separate note, we made a bet that I couldn't last 2 weeks on only one tank of gas*. I have a little under a half a tank to last me 3 more days, including the trek to KC's airport! We'll see who wins.

*For all of you that don't know, I totaled my car. RIP '99 Acura 3.2 TL.

No worries though! It wasn't my fault, so the City of Topeka (who caused the accident by pulling out in front of me) will be reimbursing me for the damage, a new carseat (Ezra was in the car), and hopefully to fix my computer which needs repairing after it hit the dashboard during the accident. Therefore one perk to my boyfriend being in Ireland is that I can use his car while he's gone. I've come to find that may be the only perk, however.

1 comment:

Jessie said...

That is really sweet-what a great guy.