Friday, March 6, 2009

Visiting Christie -- a Mini Vaca if you will!

I LOVE spontaneous road trips. So, when everything got canceled (my brother's dentist appointment and a babysitting gig) Wednesday this week, I took the opportunity to drive to visit my best friend Christie. I had only had one other chance to meet up with her since she had moved and I was anxious to visit her. It was really fantastic to catch up, and it was so nice out that we had a picnic at the park for lunch. We decided it'd be really fun to meet up with Andrew and Michelle Hawkinson in order to play with the kids. Here's what we did most of the afternoon!

We had so much fun. God is so good. Children are such a blessing. I love this family! And any of you who know Christie -- she's amazing. She is such a fantastic blessing to my life, and it is such a relief to know that God has protected her from her recent health scares (a bout with a lesion found on her lungs, that turned out to be scarring and non cancerous). A true answer to prayer! I am so glad to have spent this quality time with her.


Jessie said...

I love that family too :)
Praise the Lord that Christie's lesion is just scarring, what a mighty God we serve.
I am glad you like my niece and nephews-and had fun with Christie. I hope you recover quickly from the wisdom teeth.
love ya

Rachel said...

I am so glad you got to visit Christie! Of course I was bummed to not be able to have you babysit, but that's awesome that it worked out that way.

Good to see you today!