Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Funny Friends

Sometimes my sense of humor is under-appreciated. Apparently, I always think I'm funny. Others do not. Because of this, I am especially sensitive to other people's feelings when it comes to their senses of humor. So I would like to recognize a few of my friends who have shared some pretty funny statements as of late.

After Challenge...
Christie: This really nice mentally handicapped guy at challenge, you know, the one that gave me like 20 hugs tonight?
Laura: Just because you're wearing scrubs doesn't mean you can hug every mentally handicapped guy, Christie.

About 10 minutes later...
Laura: I think I met my husband at Challenge! I forgot to tell you. We kept running into each other. Literally. I think it's meant to be, because every time I turned around we were touching.
Paul: Which guy was it?
Laura: Well, I mean he was wearing a white something on top.
Paul: What, like a smock?
Christie: Or scrubs?
Me: Oh, Laura. He was wearing scrubs. He just thought it was okay to hug every mentally handicapped person he saw.

At the library one day after class...
Laura: Matt! We forgot to tell you. We thought that it would be cheaper to consolidate, so all of us girls are moving into your house. My mom wouldn't really approve though, so each of us would have to marry one of you. We would save so much money on rent and living expenses though!
Matt: Sounds like a plan. In fact, this would make us better friends... and better people.

Playing Say Anything...
Chris (reading the game question): "What is the weirdest thing that could happen right now?"
Kristin Weatherford: The Rapture.
::Everybody laughs::
Kristin Weatherford: Kari would be left sitting here by herself wondering where all of us went!

Paul wanting to play a 4-player game...
Laura: I'll play.
Paul: Alex, Christie, you're playing.
Me: I don't want to.
Christie: I'm tired.
Paul: Okay, so you're both playing.
Me: I said I didn't want to. And Christie said she's tired. This is a perfect opportunity to teach you an important life lesson. "I'm tired" actually means "No." This will be important to you later in your marriage.

Christie needing me to bring something to church, asking via text message...
Christie: Would you mind bringing my black boat to church?
Me: It's kind of bulky to drag behind the car, and I don't think there's room for it in the parking lot.
Christie (clearly not realizing her mistake yet): Haha, well just put it in the car and bring it.
Me: I don't even know where your boat is.
Christie: Oh, funny. My COAT is in the closet.

Paul and Christie trying to make plans via text message the next day...
::Christie sends a cryptic text message::
Paul: That didn't make much sense, but I'll be here ready at 7. And I'll bring your black boat.

8:52 Sunday morning...
Laura: Alex! We have to go to church! (as if I didn't know it started in 8 minutes)
Me: Oh, is it Sunday already? Weird.
Laura: Haha, but it's like 8:55.
Me: And the church is 3 blocks away! How are we ever going to make it?
Kristin: Laura, I think Alex is funnier than you.

8:58 Sunday morning, Laura and I in the car on the way to church, having a different conversation entirely...
Laura: I think Christian would draw the line if that happened.
Me: I don't know that I've ever witnessed Christian drawing a line.
Laura: Well, that one time... we played pictionary telephone... and he drew a line..
Me: I'm telling Kristin you said that.
Laura: No, don't! It was supposed to be funny. That's funny! Don't tell her, please!

Paul and I sitting in the living room having a conversation...
Paul: Do you know what my coin jar is for?
Me: No.
Paul: It's for an engagement ring. My friend bought an engagement ring this weekend. You know what I did?
Me: No.
Paul: I started a dollar jar.


Jessie said...

Fun. I should blog the funny things the boys say.

Tricia said...

Hey Alex! You have a blog, as do I. Hmmmmm.

Also, I too enjoy a good sense of dry humor. It sounds like you and your friends have a good time throwing sarcasm around.

Grace said...

Before I went up to Topeka, I read your blog. just thought I'd let you know that I like it, and have subscribed!