Monday, October 27, 2008

The Servant

I've often prayed for a servant's heart. A true woman of Proverbs 31 has one. I have dreamed of the day that a guy compared me to this.

This day finally came.

However, it wasn't quite as I imagined it.

Tonight Laura, Christie, Matt and I were having a conversation about marriage. I'm not sure why this is our topic of conversation so often, but tonight it was worth it. Matt was helping us girls to understand how some guys try to interpret marriage, relationships, dating, etc. He used Paul as a specific example when we started to ask questions.

Me: He talks to me about relationships.
Christie: Yah, about lists and stuff.
Me: I don't agree with most of what he says. But he asks my permission to do stuff.
Matt: He just has an Old Testament view of things.
::Christie and I are both looking at each other, obviously confused::
Matt: It's like Isaac. He's sending out a servant to find him a mate.
Me: ...Am I the servant in this scenario?

In any other situation I probably could have taken this as a compliment. Sorry Matt, you're not fairing so hot lately on this front.

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