Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I was informed the other day that guys have at least one thing in common. This information was a disappointment to all of womankind. I was told that guys form "lists" wherein they name each and every girl they know. The list, however, is not set in stone. Though it is hard for a girl to be removed from the list, there are rotations. Some girls move up, others are shifted lower. In this scenario, the girls are rated by the guy's level of interest in them. Back to the fact that this is a disappointment to all womankind -- Romantic much? This seems like not.
  • Girls, wouldn't you like it if the guy that was pursuing you wanted YOUR HEART ALONE!?
  • Wouldn't it be awesome if he wasn't thinking "At least I've got a number 2...and a number 3..."?
  • Don't you want your man to be chasing after you wholeheartedly, so much so that he can't even think of any other girls?
Well, apparently this list isn't true of all men. But in an effort to fully mock it, Matt Mills shared this anecdote:
"It's like this, you know, sports stats. It's the rankings. You've got a top 25, but there's a goal in mind. One girl's got to make it to the BCS Bowl."
These words melted my heart (NOT). I can't wait for another guy to relate my future marriage to the BCS Bowl. I don't know if it can be done. Also, if girls were to have lists, I think that guys who attempted this feat would be immediately removed.


Rachel said...
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Jessie said...

I will let you know that I had a list. Not a list of perspective guys, but a list of things I wanted in my husband. Most of the things were godly qualities but some were just things I wanted. I wanted him to make me laugh, love the Lord more than me, be good with kids, want to have kids...and I will tell you that the Lord gave me everything and more that I asked for.
And when I was in college I began praying for him-not even knowing who he was yet.
I would love to talk to you about it sometime :) with no movie time :)