Saturday, November 14, 2009

My Meat-Obsessed Fiance

Chris LOVES red meat. If I weren't reminded often enough, I'd say he loves it more than me :) But besides that, he loves to cook it too. I suppose it gives him some sort of satisfaction, that he's the one who cooked the meat that he's going to eat. He'd probably be even happier if he'd have been the one to raise and butcher the cattle as well. But that'll be a discussion between he and this city girl for later.

Exhibit A: Doug's birthday = steaks.

Though these may look like normal steaks, let me offer some perspective. That metal pan on the top rack? That's an 8-inch round pie pan. These steaks were gargan. And Chris ate one by. him. self.

Exhibit B: lunch on Saturday = Hamburger Royales. (not in my mind, but apparently hamburger with egg, cheese and ham on top is a normal Chris lunch)

This is Chris's hamburger family. His words - not mine. He asked me how big I wanted my burger, I said "as big as your face" (jokingly, mind you). But apparently that's how big he chose to make his burger! But to add that extra 2 tbsp. of meat -- that would have made it "too big". Again, his words -- not mine. Therefore, we have, the hamburger family. I ate my normal-sized 1/4 lb. burger. While Chris ate the remainder of the 1 lb. of meat. And an egg. And cheese. And ham.

Yep, my fiance, he likes meat. And I like him :)