Monday, September 28, 2009

Living With Boys

So, Chris and I are getting married. He'd probably prefer it if we move in together soon after. Problem is, I have a few reservations about the whole process. Here are the many cons that I've dreaded for the last 6 or so years:

Living With a Boy involves..

socks on the floor
3 meat-centered meals per day
beard trimmings in the sink
toilet seats left up
gender neutral bedding
drinking orange juice out of the carton
empty toilet paper rolls
double the laundry -- and it's smellier!
sports-centered television

As Chris and I are making plans for our marriage, I'm starting to reconsider a few of my fears. After all, living with a boy can't be that bad, can it? Here are a few of the positive aspects that I've come up with.

Living with a Boy's perks...

somebody to fix the toilet
somebody to reach things on the top shelf
somebody to kill the bugs
somebody to change light bulbs
somebody to snuggle with at night :)

Let me know if you can think of any more!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


This post unfortunately doubles as Chris's and my official announcement that we are getting married, and a plea for prayer.

First of all -- YAY! -- We're getting married! Here's our wedding website for more information on how he proposed, and future info on our plans for our nuptials :

Second of all, Chris and I are trying very hard with what little wisdom we have to plan this wedding and start our marriage off on a good foot. Though our intention was never to hurt anybody, or leave anybody out, that seems to be what is happening. It is an unfortunate consequence of our attempts to glorify the Lord. I want so desperately for every person I love to be at my wedding. I just am not sure if that will be possible. Chris and I are still working out the logistics. We're not sure how to include everybody and still plan based on our conviction from the Spirit, and the biblical Truths we have about weddings and marriage. We can't afford to pay for a wedding, and that seems to be what is going to happen as well. Chris and I hardly have time to see each other, with him working and in school all day, and me working two jobs and overnight. This is a time of very much stress, and emotions are taking the toll. But the last thing we want to happen is for our relationship with the Lord, our families, and our spiritual families to take the brunt of it.

So in turn, I plead for you to pray. Chris and I need wisdom desperately. It is so important to me to base my decisions on the Lord first, and go out from there. It seems backwards to do it any other way. Chris and I want to be able to reap the blessings the Lord has in store for us. We want to glorify him, and to share a clear testimony of him at our wedding, then also continuously through our marriage. So please pray for clarity of mind. Both for Chris and I, and for our families and friends that are hurting. Please pray for the Spirit to move in those who haven't come to know the fullness of God's grace. I desire with my whole heart to see the Lord work in this situation, and to use it to fully glorify Him. I have no doubt in my mind that He will use it for good. We just need peace until we reach the day of understanding.

Thank you so much for being there for me through this time, and for lifting this situation to Him in prayer.